Important Reminder: If you have not done so already, it is important that you reach out before the end of August to all the high schools and counselors attending your fair to make sure they know all the details for the fair (i.e. what time to show up for the fair, flow of traffic, parking details, Sharing reminders about your campus safety & security / COVID requirements/recommendations, reminding them to have their students register for the fair before, etc.) Thank you!
If you need contacts for the high schools attending your fairs, use the Counselor Directory for phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc. @
VERY IMPORTANT: Please keep this updated with any changes. These are live updates, so whatever changes you make will be live for all exhibitors, high schools, counselors, students, etc. to see. Please notify MPSEOC / Amy Leary right away if you have any major changes (site location, attendance restrictions, cancellation, etc.) [email protected] or 406.531.3531 - Thank you!
Instant Changes - This form is LIVE and updates show in real time. That means that any changes you make will instantly become live and shared out to all fair attendees (high schools, exhibitors, students, parents, etc.).
Freedom To Update As Needed | Due to COVID-19 impacts, we wanted each Site Host to have instant access to keeping everyone updated with changes. You are welcome to update this form as needed.
Responsibility To Keep Updated | We ask each Site Host to keep this form updated and current. You may not need to update this form, but we want you to have access if needed. All attendees will be checking this for any updates up until the time of your area fair time. They will be attending and preparing for your fair based off this form. It is your responsibility to make sure it is current with any changes and updated as soon as possible. Thank you so much!
Careful Editing | Please double check that you are editing your fair site information before you make changes. Please do not edit any other fair site information.
Site Hosts are the only editors to this page. Please do not share this link with anyone else. We want to keep this secure and accurate for all Site Hosts.
If you need help | Please contact us, and we are happy to help you. This is a new step for everyone, so we are here to help. Thank you for your team efforts to keep this updated for all attendees.
Access to the LIVE Site Host Form:
Live Site Host Form | This is the link for Site Hosts to use to edit your site information if needed. Please take a look and check this form to make sure all is correct for your site as of current. Thank you!
Preview Form | This is what exhibitors, counselors, schools, students, parents, etc. see.
Number of Tables Needed For Your Fair -Coming end of August.
Important Notes for Site Setup/Suggested Site Layout - This is our usual layout for the fair, but this year, we encourage each site to do what you think is safest and best. Please feel free to adjust the flow of traffic, setup, scheduling of high schools, as you think is best and safest. Thank you!
Montana High School Counselor Contacts / Directory Here are the counselor contacts for each high school. This is helpful in notifying each school attending your fair on parking, arrival times, and other fair details.
Code of Ethics for Admissions Professionals - This year we are allowing exhibitors options to bring in safety needs (table screen, hand sanitizer, etc.) as they would like. No branded or marketing can be on their safety items however. This is not a promotion opportunity, but it is only for safety.
Counselor Packet & Guide - Coming end of August. | We will be sending this packet to Counselors about the Fairs, Scholarships, Online Registrations, Etc.
What Safety & Security steps do you & your students need to take?
SAFETY & SECURITY | These events can get very busy due to many highs schools attending each event. Therefore, in an effort to keep these events safe and less crowded, we are asking all students to leave their backpacks and extra bags on the bus or in their car. We will be providing free bags in the entryway for students to collect information. Each hosting fair site is taking their own additional safety and security steps with many having onsite security and some of the sites will be screening for no bags in the fair. If you have further questions about this plan for the fair you are attending, please contact the site host listed in this packet for more details. Thank you for your team help to keep these events safe.
Please notify your students that there will be no pack-packs or personal bags in the fair.
Please let your students know to leave their personal bags on the bus or in their car before they enter the fair area. We will have free plastic bags for them to gather information at the fair.
Please report any unusual activity to the site hosts.
Keeping these events safe is a team effort, and we appreciate you letting us know if you have any concerns before, during, or after the fair. Thank you!
Each hosting fair site has taken safety & security steps.
Please contact the site host name listed the link below for the fair you are attending if you have any further questions however.
We ask you to keep a close eye on your students.
At the fairs, we have many high schools attending. Therefore, we ask you to keep a close watch over your students and alert us of any potential concerns. Each attending high school is responsible to keep track of their own students. We appreciate your care and help to keep these events safe and secure. Thank you!
Thank you for supporting a tradition of safety at these events.
Thank you for your team help to keep these events safe.
If you have any additional questions / comments/etc., please contact us before the fair.
Feel free to call us with any questions, comments, and/or thoughts you have @ 406.531.3531 or [email protected]
counselor update information October 23, 2019
COUNSELOR FAIR LOGIN: To preview the students who have already registered and print a roster for your fair attendance.