step 1 | check your listing in the Counselor directoryVerify that the Contact Information for You & Your School Is Correct
We ask you to please verify your high school name, counselor name, mailing address, phone, e-mail, website, etc. We will be publishing this information this coming fall, so we want to make sure we have your information correct. Other counselors, students, parents, college representatives, and many agencies use this directory throughout the year, so please help us keep it updated for you. Please just let us know if you have questions or need additional help. Thank you! |
step 2 | check the college fair your High SChool is tentatively scheduled to attendCheck the College & Career Fair Location & Date for which your school has been tentatively assigned in September. If you wish to attend another fair, please indicate as such on the online form in Step 3. Please note that the time listed is the time duration for the entire fair. By the end of August / early September, we will share final details and final schedule of events.
*We will keep you posted of updates throughout the summer and early fall with any changes. Thank you! |
step 3 | SUBMIT YOUR HIGH SCHOOL final online FORMImportant FINAL Step!
In this ionline form, you will be able to confirm your fair location, make a change to your fair location, and confirm the number of registration promotion cards you need for your students. This is a huge help and lets us know what you need for these fall events. Thank you! |
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