the montana tribal college institute
institute library recordings
salish kootenai college live session
stone child college live session
do you have questions?We are here to help!
Please contact us directly @ [email protected] or 406.531.3531. |
who was represented?
Visited States Map by
special thanks & Reminders
Thank you, Montana Tribal College Team & All Institute Attendees! What a wonderful gathering and celebration of our Montana Tribal Colleges. Thank you to all of you for your amazing team efforts to help students and education together.
🔸*A very special thank you to all your partners, friends, & sponsors who help make these events possible. A BIG thank you to:
- The Montana Tribal College Institute & Relations event included:
🔹 All 7 Montana Tribal College Teams
🔹 123+ registered to attend!
🔹 80+ different education Institutions, schools, businesses, and agencies represented!
🔹 14 different states & districts represented (Montana, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, North Dakota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Washington DC & more!)
🔹 100's of great interactions, chats, resources shared, and overall steps taken toward building relationships.
🔸*A very special thank you to all your partners, friends, & sponsors who help make these events possible. A BIG thank you to:
- All Montana Tribal College Teams who came together to make this event happen!
- Montana Tribal College Executive Team - Ali Smith, Chair / Joey Ditonno, Past Chair / Emily Ferguson-Steger, Tribal College Team Liaison, - A very special thank you for helping team together to plan and host this day and for your years of dedication to this team.
- Galendean "Galen" Rides The Grey Horse from Blackfeet Community College and Ashely Benson from Stone Child college for a beautiful traditional blessing & song to bless this event.
- All the amazing site coordinators and team members from the Montana Tribal Colleges who made the event so special.
- All Montana Colleges & Education Professionals who attended.
- GEAR UP, TRIO, Talent Search, Upward Bound, ETS, & the Montana University System | American Indian College Fund | Office of Public Instruction | Reach Higher Montana | Montana Youth Apprenticeship Partnership | Montana Department of Labor & Industry / Career Lab | Montana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council (MPSEOC ) | & All the Montana & Out-Of-State institutions, programs, colleagues and beyond.
- We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your team efforts to help students and education together!
photos from the day!
A Few Quotes, Feedback, & Thanks
- "I got so much out of today’s Montana Tribal College Institute. Thank you for organizing this. Today I learned more about our Tribal Colleges than I have learned in 3 years. It was fantastic. Thank you again. It was wonderful."
- "I learned so much!"
- "I love learning from fellow MT TCUs about what helps their students succeed. I love feeling immersed in different campuses"
- "I really love how these virtual institutes are teaching us more about how to give back to our communities."
- "It was great, so happy I was able to be a part of this. Maybe if there was more time, but I feel like the rest of these sessions, I could sit here all-day learning about these colleges."
- "Very thorough and organized. Thanks great to hear from students too!"
- "My favorite part was hearing from current students about their experiences. Everyone is so close-knit, so this is refreshing to see. Loved hearing about the college and its support!"
- "My favorite part was... the warm introduction. Felt warm and inviting."
- "It was great to hear from faculty, staff, and students about their experiences."
- "So much good information. It was good to see the faces connected to each program."
- "It was all great! I really hearing about the great STEM work they are doing."
- "They were great! I haven’t seen any type of similar events, and I think it’s a model for other TCUs (in other states). It really helped orientate me on what’s happening at each college."
- "I loved being in a culturally aware and responsive space, even just virtually. Each tribal college emphasizes growing our own in a way that has me so grateful and hopeful for the future of Native education <3"
- "I came to this last year and learned so much - so I am here again - thanks!"
- "This was amazing! Strength, perseverance, outstanding education! Love this!"
- "I loved the integration of students from TCU's to provide the prayer and honor song."
- "My favorite part is the talk on the importance of cultural revitalization in the sphere of higher education."
- "I loved everyone's introductions. It was so special to hear the language."
- "I loved hear about the immersion schools and all of the great work they are doing to move their language forward."
- "All of it was great - great visual presentation"
- "It was great hearing from the different departments on campus! Admissions, Academic Transfer Service, Trio Student Support Services, Department of Academic Success, Student Housing, student story, Division of Education, Division of Native American Studies, ITE Department, and the language lesson was fun too! "
- "My favorite part was learning about the academic programs in-depth and the language tutorial. It was so wonderful to see the amount of extensive resources available for students on-campus and how native language is highly valued."
- "There were so many good things. Hearing about your restorative justice circles and the way you work with the MEA was amazing. I got a real sense of the community building work that you do. I would love to hear more about your work with the local high schools."
- "Love hearing about the students and where they are involved and engaged across campus and in the community."
- "All great information! It was good hearing both the importance of the culture and also the language. What great opportunities for students!"
resources shared
These resources were shared during the event. Please feel free to share any other resources, and we are happy to add it to this section. Thank you!
we hope to see you again in the near future!
Please stay in touch, and we hope to see you again at future events. We will keep you updated of any additional collaborative events we offer to help students together. We would be honored to have you part of these too. Many thanks!